Montgomery County Libertarians Clean Up Trash in Historic Inner East Dayton

On the afternoon of Saturday, August 8th, 2020, seven local Libertarians met at the corner of 5th Street and Huffman Avenue in Dayton, Ohio to pick up litter.

Dan Zink, Joe Hendrix, Mike Lopez, J Anthony Williams, Mike Monaghan, and Mike’s two daughters met at 2 pm and spent more than two hours picking up litter among two blocks on Huffman Avenue from 5th Street to John Street.

The group met completely voluntarily and used their own resources – including trash bags and trash grabber sticks.

At the end of the two hours, the group had filled eight large contractor-size trash bags of litter. J Anthony, the Southwest Region Liaison for the Libertarian Party of Ohio, disposed of the trash in his private dumpster.

Each member of the group is part of the Libertarians of Montgomery County, a county development group of the Libertarian Party of Ohio.

The Libertarians of Montgomery County hope to do similar community service projects at least once a month.

To learn more about the Libertarians of Montgomery County, visit their Facebook page or their Twitter page.

To learn more about the Libertarian Party of Ohio and to start or find a county development group for your county, visit the County Organizations page on

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