Libertarian Presidential Candidate Jo Jorgensen to Visit Columbus

10/18/2020- Libertarian Presidential candidate, Jo Jorgensen, will be visiting the Buckeye state on Saturday Oct. 24th. Jorgensen will be starting with a rally in Toledo at 12pm and making her way to Columbus for a rally in the capital at 6pm at the Libertarian Party of Ohio headquarters at 6230 Busch Blvd in Columbus.

Following the two rallies, the Libertarian Party of Ohio will host a dinner with Jorgensen, Libertarian Party Congressional candidates, donors, and party leadership.

The Libertarian Party of Ohio is excited to host Jorgensen and have a chance to get her in front of voters. “We are grateful the Libertarian candidate is able to make multiple stops in Ohio because, to maintain ballot access for our down ballot candidates, we have to get 3% of the Presidential vote. We’re confident we’ll hit that and beyond” LPO Political Director Patrick Glasgow said in a statement. Glasgow is describing the goal third parties must hit according to SB 193; a law signed in 2014 raising the minimum percentage for a party’s candidates to appear on the ballot. The LPO spent over $250,000 in 2018 to get 102,000 signatures for Jorgensen to appear this cycle.

Jorgensen will be on the ballot with Vice-Presidential candidate Spike Cohen, who will be in Ohio on Oct. 28th to tour multiple Waffle Houses across the state

Dr. Jo Jorgensen is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Clemson University. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Clemson, 2002) and has taught full-time since 2006. She graduated in 1979 from Baylor University with a B.S. in Psychology and in 1980 from Southern Methodist University with an MBA.

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