John Fockler


(COLUMBUS, April 13) In furtherance of his executive order requiring liquor sellers in the six Ohio counties adjacent to Pennsylvania to require Ohio-issued IDs from all customers, Gov. Mike DeWine issued another order creating the Ohio Border Patrol. The Patrol will be charged with monitoring the state line between Ohio and Pennsylvania and arresting anyone […]


Separation of Unemployment Compensation and State

The current COVID-19 crisis, which to date has suspended more than 10 million jobs across the country, has revealed a structural weakness in the so-called social safety net. This has to do with the state-run unemployment compensation system. In Ohio, as in many states, unemployment compensation is handled by a state-run monopoly. Employers and employees

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Libertarians Call for Easier Voting Options

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  COLUMBUS, Ohio –  In the wake of delay of the scheduled March 17 primary election and the associated chaos caused by the on-again, off-again announcements, the Libertarian Party of Ohio is calling for more flexible voting provisions to ensure that every Ohioan has a fair and equal chance to cast a ballot. 

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Ohio Needs A Recall Law

TUESDAY, MARCH 17:  Remember back in 2003 when California recalled its governor, Gray Davis, and replaced him with The Governator?  California is one of 19 states that allows for such a recall. Ohio is not. That needs to change.  Now! Yesterday’s three-ring circus concerning whether the primary election would or would not be held, and

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