Gearing up for Growth – Regarding Ohio SoS Advisory 2021-01

Fellow Ohioans and Libertarians,

As many of you have become aware, the Ohio Secretary of State put out guidance to the county Boards of Elections regarding the status of our ballot access. This was done following a preemptive move by the Hamilton County Libertarian Party of Ohio to place two Libertarian candidates on the ballot in the City of Harrison. The State of Ohio and the Ohio Republican Party have once again attempted to stifle voter choice here in Ohio by removing any opposition to the duopoly.

We say to you now, do not fear! The Libertarian Party of Ohio always has and will continue to fight against the oppression of two-party system. Since the passage of Senate Bill 193 in 2014, the voters of Ohio have been robbed of alternatives to the old parties.Our resolve is firm and we will not be deterred by statists who seek to oppose the rights every Ohioan to have their views represented on the ballot.

In the coming days, weeks, and months the Libertarian Party of Ohio will face and overcome a challenge we have fought through before. We will again gather the 59,742 valid signatures of voters here in Ohio that believe Ohio deserves a better alternative to the broken two-party system.  We know our members, supporters, donors, and volunteers will do everything possible to achieve our goal.

What we ask from you now is to help lay the groundwork for the greatest growth that the Libertarian Party of Ohio has ever seen. Gather 2 or 3 people in your county that want a world set free in our lifetime and form an official county affiliate of the LPO. Growing out county organizations will help the petitioning effort become much easier. If you are able become a sustaining member of the LPO at please do so; your contributions will be vital to our rapid growth. If you have the time and talents to commit to the LPO consider becoming a volunteer at; the Party is run by everyday volunteers just like you.

The world around us is at a tipping point for better or worse. This small setback can not and will not deter the voice of Liberty in our communities, the State of Ohio, or this nation. Together we shall restore ballot access and push forward toward realizing a world set free in our lifetime.

Yours In Liberty,

Jim Cavoli
Executive Committee Chair
Libertarian Party of Ohio

Patrick Glasgow
Executive Committee Vice-Chair
Libertarian Party of Ohio

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