March 17 Primary is on! Ohio Go Vote!

Libertarians of Ohio,

Earlier today you may have seen a press release by Ohio Governor Mike Dewine that he was asking the Ohio Courts to postpone the March 17 Primary Election until June 2 and he was confident they would approve his request. They have not. Judge Frye of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas has rejected the request. 

There is still an election tomorrow and your vote matters. There are many Libertarian Candidates, Central Committee Members and important issues on the ballot throughout Ohio. We urge you to take these matter seriously and please ask you to vote if you are able. This election will help us have better grasp on the number of Libertarians in Ohio, how we can help them, and where to recruit new candidates for future elections.

While this election is important, we do not want you to put yourself at risk! The Ohio SOS has ordered all County Board of Elections to offer drive up voting to minimize contact and spread of the COVID 19 Virus. Please consult your local Board of Elections for more information on how they are combatting the Virus at the polls.

Yours in Liberty,

Patrick J Glasgow
Political Director
Libertarian Party of Ohio

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